A Migraine-Friendly Face Mask

For people living with Migraine, wearing a face mask all day can create the additional problem of increasing attacks.
A Migraine-Friendly Face Mask


  1. My headache come from the base of the scull as well as pressure on the ears. What can I do?

  2. I appreciated this post so much. I haven’t found many sites addressing the headaches long time mask wearing causes

  3. I can’t wear a mask around my ears, this is making my migraines worse. would a multi function bandana be suitable to wear as a face mask

  4. I’ve had a low grade headache for two months straight. I wake up with it and go to bed with it. This headache is different from any other I’ve had. It just feels different if that makes sense. Two months go is when we started having to wear a mask while working. I work ten hours a day six days a week. Not counting wearing time while in public. I take something for it, it goes away for a short time then comes right back. I’ve just learned to deal with it.😔

  5. While the mask may be migraine-friendly (I haven’t tried it), a *ponytail* is a bad idea for a lot of migraineurs. Both the fairly-tight pulling of the hair & the weight of (especially longer) hair, cause the problem.

  6. My mask is adjustable and very comfortable. I have daily headaches and chronic migraines. I don’t mind at all wearing a mask, but when I do, I find myself with a headache that sometimes turns into a migraine depending on how long I wear it.

  7. My problem isnt my ears it’s my nose. No mask I have found has allowed comfort around my nose and after wearing them for 8 hours a day I have a migraine that runs the rest of my day or makes sleep at night difficult. Does this mask put pressure on your nose?

    1. Author

      I wore it for 6 hours straight on Monday and had no problems with my ears or nose. The shoelace tie allows the wearer to adjust the tightness of the mask to individual preference.

  8. I am seeing migraine patients whose migraines are exacerbated by masks. Perencevuch et al in JAMA write article on efficacy of face shields vs face masks Discussing this with my ID colleagues

  9. I don’t have a sewing machine but I have the iron bonding tape, would that work?

    1. Author

      The bonding tape may work for the seams, but not for the encased rows that allow the shoe laces to slide back and forth. Plus, the tape isn’t likely to hold up with the repeated hot water washing and high temperature drying required after each use. You might see if there’s a group of volunteer seamstresses in your community who are making masks. Maybe one of them could help you out.

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