SUNCT and SUNA: The Essentials

While it's common for people with Migraine to also experience Primary Stabbing Headaches, SUNCT and SUNA can both be confused with these "ice pick" headaches. Primary Stabbing Headache, SUNCT, and SUNA all involve brief, stabbing pain. That is where the similarities end.


  1. I was diagnosed with Hemacrania Continua about 10yrs ago, after a virtual consult with a Dr from London last week, he has said I have SUNA. There’s not much info on this, but this page has clarified a few things, so thanks.

  2. So….I have this headache, or a shadow and I’m trying to read this. “attacks fulfilling criteria for 3.3″….What. Maybe this isn’t meant for us but for medical pros? Just a suggestion, make it more understandable to those of us that might not be 100% clear of mind at the time that we have went hunting this info. I still have no idea if I have a SUNCT, SUNA or CLusters.

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      Only a doctor who is a specialist in treating headache disorders can offer you an accurate diagnosis. If you think you might have SUNCT, SUNA, Cluster Headache, or some other headache disorder, please make an appointment to see a headache specialist as soon as possible. You can learn more about finding the right type of doctor by visiting Finding a Migraine Specialist.

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