You Are #NotAlone: June 1, 2018 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month

Please join the #MHAM2018 Social Media Challenge. Use the power of social media or your personal blog to share a message of hope. Tell the world, "You Are #NotAlone!"


    1. Thanks! <3 I have to say this vertigo bout is way too long lasted and the nausea from it extreme. I can only be upright short periods of the day, then rest, and then a little bit more, and rest.

    2. Author

      You’ve had a rough go lately. Please put yourself first.

  1. 18 years since diagnosis & treatment has helped so much! Still misunderstandings but I hope this helps let people know about migraine.

    1. Author

      Thanks for helping us spread the word. We are #NotAlone.

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